Mental health tips for Autumn

Colourful autumn leaves

Missing the sunshine?

With the arrival of Autumn comes much less sunshine which can have a negative impact on how we feel.

Why not try reframing the season – By this, we mean putting a positive spin on it for yourself, it’s incredible how easily we can trick ourselves into seeing things differently, use this to your advantage!

Think of Autumn as cosy, a chance to slow down. Instead of BBQs why not invite a friend over to the garden for a cuppa from a flask with a slice of something sweet? Bonus points for remembering a fleecy blanket

For those of us already looking ahead to next Summer, enjoy our sunny pic of Tenby and read on for our tips...

mental health tips, picture of Tenby Pembrokeshire

Further reading/listening

(We recommend consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation program.)

If you are concerned about your mood and would like to talk to someone then we’re here for you.


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